When I started this blog, for *ahem* a second time, I made a pact with myself to stick at it. The plan was to make one post a day for the whole of February. As you can see from the calendar this hasn’t happened.
Many professional writers offer advice on the importance of persistence and I can see why it could be important for the feckless personality (meaning myself here!) that would want to be a writer. Unfortunately, sometimes nature steps into things and she will not be denied. On the night of the 14th my previous ill health made a brief reappearance and while it wasn’t anything serious, it was enough to cause some concern and a sleepless night. This meant that yesterdays post did not appear as I spent most of the day recovering from the events of the previous night.
As I may not have control over when I post, what I will do instead, is post another two today, as well as this one. Thus honoring persistence even if I cannot honor my planned scheduling.
A good thing about writing articles for the web is that WordPress has the ability to schedule blog post releases. I guess I should write more articles in advance. Lesson learned.
Dave Felton