How to Make Money from Writing – New Directions
Spring is here and with the changing of the season comes a changing of my blogs central theme.
I want to be a science fiction writer, no doubt about it. The problem is that right now that goal is not paying the bills. This situation forces me to be a hard-headed realist. My dream job is to be a writer, in the field of science fiction. If the latter is out of my control, then certainly the first part isn’t.
Making Money on the Internet
There are many ways to make money from writing on the net, for example: copy writing and article submission to sites such as Constant Content. While writing copy for others to use isn’t very exciting, it does pay the bills. Similarly, writing articles for Google Adsense related websites is another means to make money writing for the web.
My only reservation is that I am just not sure how many times I can work a keyword into an article, over and over again and not sound like a robot. Maybe the fun will be in achieving this without going totally bonkers.
From the sheer number of “scraper” sites on the web, someone, somewhere, must be making money with sites like this though. Here is hoping that that someone can be me and not just Google. At least when I make an Adsense site, it will be with my own content!
Anyway, for better or worse I have decided to give being an “internet marketer” a trial for a month and see what happens. Accordingly I bought six domains this morning and will be developing them over the coming month. The plan is to publish a frank report on the success or failure of the activity in this blog on the 31st of March. To get a fuller picture this deadline might have to be extended, but right now I can’t make a prediction.
If I can make even a small amount of regular cash from these activities it takes some pressure off and allows me to write stuff I am personally interested in with a clean conscience. That is the plan anyway…
The Future for this Blog
Developing so many websites will necessarily cut down on my activity on this blog, but I still plan to post here two or three times a week. In a strange way it might actually improve the content here as I plan to write a weekly post about the science in science fiction, as well as a personal post and maybe a creative writing based post too.
Becoming a science fiction writer is temporarily on hold…at least for a month.
Dave Felton.